
St. Joseph: His Life, His Virtues, His Privileges, His Power is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Holy Gospels tell us very little about the great patron of the Church, St. Joseph. There are many questions left unanswered by the Bible—for instance, when he was born; how old he was when he espoused the Blessed Virgin; when and where he died and was buried; what became of his remains (of which absolutely no trace has been found). All these points, and many more, are clearly stated in Life...

man, comparatively. Great reason have we now to rejoice that you have either forgotten or disregarded that over-hasty resolution, and that in this your latest book no word appears which forbids the hope of seeing many further valuable contributions from your prolific pen. Permit me to say that I think your fellow-countrymen have a right to be proud of that series of devotional books, already translated into the leading languages of Europe, with which you have enriched a department of literature hitherto
Pages 17–18